Recipes from John Crophill's Commonplace Book (Harley MS 1735) This manuscript is dated before 1485. The 69 recipes in John Crophill's Commonplace Book are on pages 16v through 28v. Images of the original manuscript are freely available on the British Library website. I have done my best to provide an accurate, but readable transcription. Common abbreviations have been expanded, the letters thorn and yogh have been replaced with their modern equivalents, and some minor punctuation has been added. Transcribed from a facsimile of the manuscript in 2015 by Daniel Myers, -=-=- [1.] A Tarte of Fysch Tak fygges & reysingis & cyng[?] [f.17r] hem & do ther to freysch samoun or othyr maner of freysch fysch grynd alle to gyder temper hem up with almounde mylk & frye almounds in swete oyle & do therinne lye alle to gydr do ther to pouder of galingale reysings of coraunce quybybes & soden perys & schere hem & cast hem ther inne amonge alle to gidre & of ilk of the spyces kepe the halvendel with outen colour thi fars with saffroun & swet it with sugre. Tak laumpreys & laumprouws & elys & dares & roches & loches smeltys and other maner of freysch fysch & wete hem in flour frye hem in swete oyle & loke thu have dats farsed & plumbys damaycynis than go to the ovene & mak dowe & couche thi fars on this maner, fferst ley thi kake of dowe than tak thi fars & couche thi fryed fysch & thi dats farsed & plumbys & thi almondys & drengle it in swete oyle & poudre it with sugre & lay thou thi fars on this [f.17v] maner couche thi fars as thu wylt have hulke it & pinche it & mak thi lowes colour it with saffron & set it inne the ovene & yf you wylt hawe of foure coliurs make it as I have tawte of the tou or of the tothere. [2.] Browet of Almayne Tak almonde melk lye it with amydon ore with bake flour colour it with saffron force it with good pouder of ginger & canel & galingale. Tak parterkes & chykenes & hewe hem on quarterrys do the melk over the feyre & boylle it do in thi fleysch seson it with sugre. [3.] Furmente Tak whete & pike it fayre do it in a morter stampe it alitel & sprenkle it with water stampe it hol waysche it fayre do it in a pot boille it tyl it breste set it doun & tak cow melk playe it up with alytyl tyl it be thykke lye it up with yolkys of ayren colour it with saffron kep it wel fro brennynge. [4.] Blamanger Tak rys & waysch hem & drye hem & tempre hem up with almonde melk. Tak broyn of caponis or of hennys [f.18r] good plente & tose it smal do the rys & the melk to gydre ovr the feyr boylle charche it with the tosed fleysch seson it with sugre florysche the dysch with fryed almondys. [5.] Chaudon Sauz of Swannes Tak the issu of the swannes & wasch hem wel skoure the guttys with salt sethz al to gidre. Tak of the fleysch hewe it smal & the guttys with alle. Tak bred gynger & galingale canel grynd it & tempre it up with bred colour it with blood or with brent bred seson it up with a lytyl vinegre welle it al to gydere. [6.] Amydone Take whete & step it ix days & chaunche the water every day twyes brose it in a morter rythe smal tempre it up sithen with melk or water sye it thorow an harsine let it stonde stylle til it be stable poure out the water ley it on a cloghet turne it til it be bon drye. [7.] Conyes in Grave Take conyes & sethz hem wel tak hem up & wasch hem in cold water tak melk of almonds lyze it up with [f.18v] amydon or with myed bred force it up with ginger & with clowes boille it on the fyer hew the conyes & do ther to seson it up with wyn & sugre. [8.] Chikens in Cryteyne Tak cowys melk lye it up with amydon or with flour force it up with poudre of ginger galentyn canel comyn colour it up with saffron sethz the chikenis hew hem on quarters boille it alle to gidre seson it up with sugre. [9.] Viaunde de Cipre Tak braun of capouns or of hennis dryve hem hew hem smal braye hem in a morter as smal as myed bred tak good almonde mylk lye it up with amydon or with flour of rys colour it with saffron charche it with brayed fleysch seson it with sugre florysch it with clowes & maces. [10.] Maretrel de le Char Tak hennes flesch & pork & sethz to gidre tak it up & pyk outh the bonys hewe it smale grynd wel kast it ageyn in to the brothz charge it with myed wastel bred colour it with saffron [f.19r] boylle it & gwan it is boylled set it of the fyr lye it with yelkys eyren florysch the dysch with poudre. [11.] Chaudone Potage of Pygys Tak the hert the lunge the lyvore the mydre the guttis skoure the guttys with salt seth hem hew hem smal tak pepyr & bred grounde to gydre tempre it up with brothz colour it up with blood lye it with yelkys of eyren yf thou do yt to browes colour it with saffron. [12.] Browes de Chaudoun Tak flour & yelkys of eyren mak past mak pelets smal frye hem in oyle de oyle and in sugre or in freysch gres do in the past aparty of the pouder. [13.] Noumbles of Net Tak the hert & the kedneye & the myd dredde hew smal as deys presse hem wel sethz hem in water & in god ale colour it with brent brede ferce it with pouder of peper & canel sethz it ovir the feyr & boylle it seson it with vinegre or eysel. [14.] Roo in [f.19v] Sewe Tak a roo & pyke it clene & perboille it & tak it up & drye it & hewe it on smale gobets do it in a pot kast him ther to bylle it well & boille it force it with good pouder & colour it with blod or saundres. [15.] Counsis Tak capouns hennys & rost hem tyl thei been browne hew hem on gobets do hem in a brothz of fresch beef sethz hem softly or sethz hem ferst & rost hem after on a gredel tak the brothz & lye it up with bred force it with peper colour it with saffron sethz eyre hard kepe the yelkys hole hew the whyte smal & do ther to and do ther to the brothz & the capouns hew hem ther to boille it & set it doun seson it with yelkys swenged florysch it with hard yelkys & hole. [16.] Let Lorres des Aguellys Tak elys & culpon hem & sethz hem seke dely tak out the bonys & saf the culpouns hole swenge eyren in a vessel & do ther to elys tak melk & colour it with saffron [f.20r] fforce it with comyn & set it to the feyr & quen it gynnit to welle do in the eyren & the elys stire hem to gidre sethz hem til the krudden. [17.] Cherise Tak ripe cherise do out the stonis bray hem in a morter ryth wel tak thykke almounde melk & tempre it up with al draw it thorw abultel lye it with amydon or with flour of rye flerysch it with ginger or galingale canel qwybibys & maces colour it with saffron seson it with wyn & sugre. [18.] Soppes Dorre Tak minced onyowns & oyle de oyle & sethz hem to gidre sithen tak wyn or ale & boille it ther with than tak tosted bred & poure the sewe ther on & melk of almondys above. [19.] Blawmanger of Lekys Tak the whyte of lekys & sethz them longe in water & in vinegre & hony waysch hem in many waterys presse hem in a clothz brest hem in a morter tak rys & skerue hem temper [f.20v] hem up with almonde melk boille it & lye it up with lekys florysch the dysch with myed almondes & sugre. [20.] Browet of Almayne Loke thu have good ale & cler & seson it with qwyth bred melk of almondys tak onyouns & mince hem and do al to the feyr & qwat fleysch do thu haft do ther to rau after that it wil sethen tak clowes & maces & qwybibes & do hem in hole & lat hem sethen & do to a perty ginger & oatmel & if the colour be noth good as fallet to the canel tak a perty saffron & mak the colour good & if it charge nowt wel tak flour of rys & do ther to. [21.] Rys Rayle Tak sugre & whyt salt and broth & fyggys & fleysch of hennis & pork & grynd hem wel to gidre tak bred & par awey the our kurste & tak the togher kurst & grynd in stede of lyour & canel gynger & a perty of galyngale grynd it & seson it so it charge wel the colour sal ben of the selve. [22.] Pochee Tak fyggs [f.21r] & reysynggs & grynd hem wel & seson it with good almonde mylk & do ther to agod porcion of canel & of ginger & if it charge nowth tak flour of rys & do ther to tyl it be wel stondynge than do to salt. [23.] Browet Mese Tak canel & ginger saffron & persely & grynd it & tempre it with good broth tak eyren & brek hem & drawe hem thorow a cloth do awey the strene tak sithen thin thre thingys & draw also do to the feyr & qwan it wellith do ther to swich flesch as thu hast sodon & than thin eyren after & whych salt. [24.] Crane Loke thu have good broth & cler & good blaunched almondys grynd hem & tempre hem up with thin broth & drawe it hulle it wel & do it on the fyer charge it wel with amydon or with flour of rys do ther to qwyth ginger & a perty canel sugre qwybibes & clowes a perty gres & salt. [25.] Charlet Gentyl Tak pork & grynd it with cow melk breke eyren & draw hem & do ther to & saffron & grynd it [f.21v] al to gider seson it at the feyr & sythen let resten a qwyle tak than a clene cloth & do it ther inne & sye outh the iews tak sithen melk of almondys & ginger & galingale & mak a sew chargeant as grave & do ther to sugre & clowes & maces seson it wel do ther to qwyth salt tak sythen the charlet outh of the cloth & schere it with a knyf on schywer & do ther to the sew. [26.] Viaunde de Cipre Grynd almondys & tempre it up with good broth tak braun of hennys & pork yef myst be hewe it and grynd it & seson it up with flour of rys yt it be chargeaunt colour it with saffron thanne do to sugre & ginger after it asket do ther to gres than do it fro the fyer to reste. [27.] Viaunde de Burgeoun Tak good broth & the of the vine & mince & grynd it & tempre it with broth & wyt mylk & win & drawe it thorow a cloth & tempre thi fleysch ther with tak sythen flour of rys & do ther to so that it be chargeaunt & do [f.22r] ther to canel & a perty greyn de pareys & sugour & qwyth salt the colour sal ben fade grene. [28.] Burgeoun de Vyne Grynd almondys & tempre with broth & rys nouth over mychyl skerved & tak the furthe of the vine long schorn in the maner of braun of hennys welle hem do the rys & the mylk to gyder to the fyer & qwan it is chargeaunt do in thin furches in the maner of braun & do ther to sugre & salt. [29.] Rys Camelyn Tak rys nought over mychel skerved do it to the fyer with almonde mylke let it well tyl it be chargeaunt & do ther to pouder of canel & a perty of saffron & sugre & salt. [30.] A Stywe Tak afayr pot & do in gres and fleysch hylle it wel & do in good poudre of ginger & of galingale & do in vyn & do it from the fyer & cure if fro cold & do the to salt. [31.] A Gelle Tak gledes & bronnys & grete elys wel wasche & brothe & do to the fyer to sethen & qwan it is soden tak the broth & do it to the fyer & do to [f.22v] clowes gelofres gingour galingale broken but nouth over muchel & saffron & qwan it is wel soden drawe it thorow a cloth in to a vessel of tre & do the fysch in the broth & cover it let it stonde & kelen the space of anyth for it sal ben served cold & do the fysch in the same maner. [32.] Garbage Tak fleysch & wasch it & do it to the fyer take percely & brek yt with thin honds & do in spices and saffron & wyn let it boyle wel non other lite but salt. [33.] Counses Tak capouns & dysch hem to the fyer & qwan thei ben soden tak bred & grynd it ther with & tempre it than do in spices and saffron sethe eyren hard & tak the qwyte & mynce it & do it in let it wellen take the yelkys of eyren & seson it ther with do to gres & salt & qwan it sal ben served do the yelkys of the eyren in the disch. [34.] Cyvee Tak capouns & perboylle hem in good broth do hem in than to rosten grynd bred [f.23r] tak spices & mak liour mynce onyons smale & welle hem with qwyth gres do to yelkes of raw eyren seson it al to gidre do to salt. [35.] Rosee Tak fleysch of hennys & pork & seth it & mak good broth & cler tak levis of rosys wel lesyn & clene wasch hem & grynd hem & tempre hem with the broth & do it to the fyer tak flour of rys or of wastelbred mak it chargeaunt tak so then of the hole rosys and do ther to & let it wellen tak a perty of saundrys and saffron to the colour do to salt do it fro the fyer & qwan it sal ben dressed strew in the disch of the levis of the rose as it were in the manere of pouder. [36.] Prymerose Loke that thou have god broth & cler almondys grounen tempre it with the broth & drawe it thorow a cloth tak floures of primrose & do ther to & tak braun of hennys & hewe & grynd it & do ther to & let it wellen & do ther to flour of rys tyl it be chargeaunt & do ther to flowres of primerose & [f.23v] ginger & sugre and salt & qwan is sal ben dressed ley on floures of primerose the maner of spices. [37.] Cewe de Kounsye Tak beef & hew it samal scher it & do it to the feyr & grynd garlic & do ther to & of the best spices & grynd bred & ly et in the maner of noumbles do to salt & qwan it is wellyd do it from the fyer. [38.] Farsure of Wych Tak fys[che] [al as?] beste and yelkys of eyren soden & saffron gynd eyren raw & bred poudre & sugre as be farse. [39.] Tarts of Flesch Tak fleysch of capouns or of hennys & pork & fyggys & reysings & eyren hard soden wel gronden alle to gidre brod & raw eyren do to saffron & pouder of ginger & canel and galingale & sugre & do ther to clowes & maces hole than make thin cofyn & do a cours of fleysch of perterkys or of ploverys or other volatyl al hewy & nother cours of the grounde mete & menge it togider. [f.24r] [40.] Mawmene Tak a pond of sugre & a qwart of water & an half & do it in a pot with sugre & tak amydoun & lye it ther with & tak a tendre chese & grynd it in a morter & tempre it up with almounde melk & do it in a pot & set it on the fyer & styre it wele & tak fleysch of chykenys & hew & grynd it & tempre it up with almaunde melk wel thykke & qwan thi pot is wel boylled tak it of the fyer & lye it up with fleysch & do ther to god poudre of ginger or of canel & wyth grece & dresse it & plant it. [41.] Browet of Sarasynes Tak crustes of qwyt bred & blood & do it in a morter & grynd it & tempre it with swet broth & draw it thorow a cloth & do it in a pot & do ther in red wyn set it on the fyer & lye it & boylle it tak perterkes & wodekokes & other smale brydes & rost hem & qwirter hem & do hem in a pot & do ther to god poudre of clowes & qwybybes & sugre & sethz it do ther in wyth grece & tast it & [f.24v] dresse it. [42.] Browet Seche Tak capouns or conyes & hew hem on gobets & waysch hem & do hem in a pot tak persoly & sauge & onyons & hew hem alle to gidre do it in a pot & red wyne & switch broth half of the ton & half of the tother & do it in the pot so that the fleysch be twey fynger brede above the pot & do ther to hol saffron & bylle it wel that non brethz go outh & set on the fyer & do ther to wyth gres & good poudere of galyngale clowes & qwybibes & let it sethen anow than do ther in sugre & dresse it. [43.] Browet Ingse Tak good galentyn & tempre it up weth broth & drawe it thow a fayer cloth do it in a pot & set it on the fyer. Tak qwayles & yonge pertrikes & qwarter hem & do hem in a pot & set the pot on the fyer & stire it wel & do ther in good pouder of galentyn & wyth gres & clowes & qwybibes & let it se then tyl the fleys is sodden anow tak it than of the fyer & dresse it & pouder it with sugre & maces. [44.] Blaunch Desorre Mak [f.25r] gode melk of swete almaundes & skerve the rys & do hem in a morter & grynd hem & tempre hem up with almaunde melk & draw it thorow a cloth & do it in a pot & set it on the fyer & stire it wel tak braun of capouns & do awey the skyn & the bonys & hewe it & grynd it & tempre it up with wyn & wan thi pot hayth wel boylled do ther inne of wyth ginger & tak it fro the fyer & lye it with grounde fleysch & do ther inne qwyth salt & sugre & tast it & loke that it be owerte of savour & poynaunt of the wyth ginger & loke that the thre savours a cor den ilk with othyr & dresse it & plante it with poumgarnett & gelofres. [45.] Freschure Tak the hert & the lyver & the blood of the hydes & sethz hem & hewe hem in a pot & do ther to qwyth gres & frye it & tak the blood & grynd it in a morter & tempre it up with red wyn & do it in the pot & tak myed bred & grynd it & tempre it up with aly tyl swet broth & lye it ther with wel chargeaunt [f.25v] & do ther inne good pouder & sugre florysch & serve it forth. [46.] Apilmows de Gesse Tak apyllys & seth hem & grynd hem & drawe hem thorow a cloth & do hem in a pot & do ther to melk of almaunds & set it on the fyer & qwan it is boylled do ther to a good perty of wyth gres & loke that thu have many yelkys of eyren & do ther to in a good perty of sugre colour it with saffron dresse it & poudre it with sugre. [47.] (untitled) Tak freysch pork hew it & grynd it smal tak yelkys of eyren grind hem & do ther to good ginger galingale do ther to tak maces & qwybibes & clowes do ther to al hole & sugre & poudre gret plente than ley in the cofyn a smal couche of farsure tak perterkes & chikenys & hew hem on qwarter & frye hem & smale bryddys al hole fryed and conyes & do ther to a good bundel of fleysch than ley on farsure a nother good couche & do therin & do ther in greyn de parys & qwybibes & clowes & est ley a nother couche [f.26r] of farsure cvre it with past colour it wyt yelkys of eyren. [48.] A Tarte Pernusames Tak fresch pork & sethz it & do awey the skyn & the bonys & grynd it in a morter tak good chese & cyy it & tempre al to gidre than tempre it with eyren do therinne almaund fryede & good poudre of galingale & clowes & qwybibes & sugre & salt & saffron & reysings with out thu pepynes & grynd al to gidre tak perterkes & ploveres & wodekokes & other smale brydds tak conyes & kerwe hem & frye hem as was forseyd & farse thi dat & mak dow & couche the tarte thus ferst ley at the than aftyr ley thi farse & ley a perty of flesch ther inne & than qwibebes & sugre & good poudre reysings & dats & pumbys & damacyns & fryed almaunds ley al this in the tarte & ley thin oth couche on thi farse colour it with saffron mak thin lowes & set it in the ovene. [49.] A Tarte of Fysche Tak figgs & waysch hem & grynd hem [f.26v] smal tempre hem with vinegre tak freysch samoun haddokes perches & pykes tak out the bonys bray hem to gidre in a morter tak poudre of ginger & galingale & meng with al tak maces & qwybibes & clowes & do ther to al hole & sugre gret plente tak ther of & do in thi cofyn a smal couche tak elys & lamprouns and frye hem to gidre in oyle de oyle & lay ther in a couche of the brayed mete & do ther to botre of almaunde melk covere it with past colour it with inne & with outen. [50.] Charlet Tak swete melk & colour it with saffron tak freysch pork soden hewe it smal sweng eyren & cast alm the melk set it over the fyer boille it stere it wel to gider kele it with a lytyl ale & set it doun. [51.] Ravioles Tak freysch pork & braun of hennys grind it smal yelks of eyren & grind hem & do ther to good poudre of maces qwybibes & mong with alwynd it in past & set it in a panne of fat broth colour it with saffron & florysch hem with hole chese [f.27r] gratyd. [52.] Jussele Mye wastelbred swenge eyren & do ther to tak good fat broth of freysch beof colour it with saffron boille it al softely & in the boyllingg do al this ther to & do to sauge & percyle. [53.] Bokenande Tak almaunde melk colour it with saffron forse it with good poudre tak fat fleysch wel soden hew on smale gobets do ther to lye it with amydon or with bake flour boille it set it don florysch it with poudre. [54.] Blaunde Sorre Tak rys & wasch hem & grynd hem smal tempre hem up with almaunde melk do it ovre the fyer & boylle it tak braun of hennys & of capouns hew it & grynd it smal as myed bred do ther to seson it with sugre gret plente florysch it with fryed almaunds. [55.] Rosee Tak flour of rys tempre it with almaunde melke lye it tyl it be chargeaunt tak braun of caponys or of hennys hew it & grynd it smal charge it with al colour it with alysaundre or with blood force it with clowes & maces seson it with sugre [f.27v] gret plente. [56.] Ynde de Cypres It sal ben mad as blaunde sorre save the colour sal ben of ynde bandas or of the flour of the violet. [57.] Letlardes Tak eryn & cow melk & swenge hem to gidre tak lard of freysch pork & sithen schere it on smale pecys kast it ther in hoylle & styr it tyl it be gaderyd on a crudde than leche it & kest it on a grederne & serve it with frotours. [58.] Botre of Almaunde Melk Tak thykke almaunde melk boyle it & in the boylinge kast ther in vinegre or vin do it sethen on a canwaas abred gadre it sethen on an keep than hange it up on a cloth amylewey wyle ley it after in a cold water than serve it forth. [59.] Charlet Aforce Tak cow melk & eyren & swenge hem to gidre & colour it with saffron tak freysch pork hew it smal do it ther to kast it in a panne boyle it wel & stire it vyn & with ale set it don than ley it on a canwas presse out the wyth tak almaunde melk colour it with saffron lye it with [f.28r] amydon force it with poudre of ginger & galingale. [60.] Farsure Tak freysch pork soden hew it smal tak yelkes of eren & meng with al force it with poudre swete it with sugre do ther to maces qwibebis & clowes al hole colour it with saffron do it in the chykennys than boyle hem & tak hem up rost hem with gres if it be nede. [61.] Farsure For Soper Tak hard eyren soden & hew hem smal tak percyle & sauge & hew it smal do ther to & do it in the chikenys. [62.] Char de Marchaunt Tak good moton hew it on gobets & set it in a pot tak brod peper & percely grynd hem to gider tempre hem up with bred than do ther to salt & welle it. [63.] Powmes Dorre Tak good farsure & mak balles do hem in a panne of clene water boyle hem alityl tyl they begynng to swelle than tak hem up & ley hem on a boord to dreyen tak yelkes of eyren of swenge hem wel ther inne & let hem dreyen do hem on a spite & rost hem & in the rostinge powre on [f.28v] the yelkys of eyren flawme hem with grees serve hem forth with frytur. [64.] Brewet Sechz Hew moton & chykenys on morcellis & sethz hem with onyons & percely. [65.] Brewet of Elys Lye it with bred force it with poudre colour it with saffron. [66.] Browet of Lamprouns Lye it with bred force it with poudre of peper & galingale. [67.] Perre Draw soden perys thorow a sarce so hem in a vessel to freysch broth tak sugre & hony & do ther to freysch gres tak of capouns & of hennys grynd saml & meng with al kepe it wel fro brennyng kele it & lye it charge it with yelkys of eyren. [68.] Maumene Tak fyggys & reysings & lese hem & grind hem & good melk of almaundys & braun of capouns & of hennys nouth outhr in yche grounden for that sal ben the colour than do there to ginger clowes gelofres & greyn de parys & sugre & salt. [69.] Kokeneye Tak fleysch of hennys & of capouns & lene of pork & hew the ton with the tother & onyons mynced in the broth