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This is an excerpt from Recipes from the Wagstaff Miscellany
(England, 1460)
The original source can be found at

Gely of flesch. Take conyngys fle hem scalle pyggys chopp hem fre of the here scale chikenys draw hem & yf thu wilt thu may chopp kede also the conynge & the pygge couch hit in dyschys in a cold place ther they may stond styll set thy broth a gen ovir the fyre loke hit be wel skemyd that no fat be ther on take calvys feete clene scaldyd clene hem set hem in the same broth tyl they be tendyr loke thy brothe be clene skemyd sesyn hit in al maner as thy dose thy fysch & fill thy disches ther with & do ther to in al maner as thy dost to fysch.


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