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This is an excerpt from Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books
(England, 1430)
The original source can be found at the University of Michigan's "Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse"

Cokentrice. Capitulum ciij. Scalde a capon clen, and smyte hem in-to the wast oueretwarde, and scaude a pygge, and draw hym, and smyte hym in the same maner; and then sewe the forthyr parte of the capon and the hyndyr parte of the pygge to-gedrys, and the forther parte of the pygge and the hynder parte of the capon to-gedyr: then draw the whyte and the yolkes of eyren, and cast ther-to, and svette of a schepe, and saffron, and salt, and pouudre of gyngeuere, and grated brede; and medle all to-gedre with thyn honde, and putt it in the cokentrice, and putt it on a spite, and roste hem; and endore hem with yolkes of eyren, and pouudre of gyngeuere, and saffron, and ioissh of persely or malves, and draw hem, and endore hem all abowte in euery perty of hym.


Other versions of this recipe:

Cokyntryce (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)