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This is an excerpt from Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books
(England, 1430)
The original source can be found at the University of Michigan's "Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse"

Oyle Soppes. Capitulum lxiiij. Take and buille mylke, and take yolkes of eyren tryed fro the white, and draw hem; then cast to the milke and hete it, butt lete it nat buille, and styrre it well till it be summe-whate thikke: then cast ther-to sugre and salte, and cutt feyre paynemayne in soppes, and cast the soppes there-on, and serue it forth in maner of potage.


Other versions of this recipe:

Oyle soppes (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)

Oyle Soupes (A Noble Boke off Cookry)

Oyle Soppys (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)