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This is an excerpt from Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books
(England, 1430)
The original source can be found at the University of Michigan's "Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse"

Tripe de Turbut. Take the mawes of a Turbot, Haddok, or codlynge, and pike hem clene, and skrape hem, and wassh hem clene, and parboyle hem in good fressh broth of Turbot, haddok, Salmon, or pyk; and take parcelly, and kut hit smale, and caste there-to; and kut the mawes in maner of Tripes of peny brede, and cast al togidre in a potte, And lete boyle. And whan hit is y-boyled ynowe, that they be al tendre, caste there-to saffron, Salt, And a litel vergeous, pouder of Gynger, And serue hit forth fore a good potage.
