This is an excerpt from Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books
(England, 1430)
The original source can be found at
the University of Michigan's "Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse"
Sauce pour lamprey. Take a quyk lamprey, And lete him blode at the nauell, And lete him blode in an erthen potte; And scalde him with hey, and wassh him clene, and put him on a spitte; (Note: Douce MS.; Harl. MS. in a faire brothe) and sette the vessell with the blode vnder the lamprey while he rosteth, And kepe the licoure that droppeth oute of him; And then take oynons, and myce hem small, And put hem yn a vessell with wyne or water, And let hem parboyle right well; And then take awey the water, and put hem in a faire vessell; And then take pouder of Canell and wyne, And drawe hem thorgh a streynour, and cast hit to (Note: added from Douce MS) the oynons, and set ouer the fire, and lete hem boyle; And cast a litull vinegre and parcely there-to, and a litul peper; And then take the blode and the dropping of the lamprey, and cast thereto and lete buille to-gedrys till it be a litell thykke, and cast therto (Note: added from Douce MS) pouder ginger, vynegre, salt, and a litull saffron; And whan the lamprey is (Note: Harl. MS. is ro) rosted ynowe, ley him in a faire chargeour, And caste all the sauce apon him, And so serue him forth.
Other versions of this recipe:
Lamprey Sauce (Du fait de cuisine)
Lamprey Sauce (Du fait de cuisine)