This is an excerpt from Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books
(England, 1430)
The original source can be found at
the University of Michigan's "Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse"
Mawmene. Take vernage, or other strenger wyne of the best that a man may finde, and put hit in a potte, and cast there-to a gode quantite of powder Canell, And sette hit ouer the fire, And yif hit a hete; And then wring oute softe thorgh a streynour, that the draff go not oute, And put in a faire potte; take and pike newe faire pynes, And wassh hem clene in wyne, And caste of hem a grete quantite there-to; And take white sugur ynowe, as moche as thi licour is, And cast there-to; and take confeccions or charge (Note: ? MS.; for chare) de quyns, a goode quantite, and cast thereto; and drawe a few saundres with stronge wyne thorgh a Streynour, and cast there to; And put al in a potte; And cast there-to a good quantite of Clowes, and sette hit ouer the fire, and gif hit a boyling; And take Almondes, (Note: D. amydons) and drawe hem with mighti wyne thorgh a streynour; And at the first boiling, a-ley hit vp, and yeve hit a boyle; and (Note: D. omits from a-ley . and) ley hit vp with ale, and gif hit a boyle, and sette hit fro the fire; and caste thereto tesid brawne of Fesaunte, partrich, or capon, a good quantite, and ceson hit vppe with pouder of ginger ynogh, and a litull saffron and salt; And if hit be stronge, (Note: Douce MS. to stondyng) aley hit with vinegre of (Note: Douce MS. vernage or.) swete wyn, and dresse hit flatte with the bak of a Saucer or A ladell; And as thou dressest hit with the saucer in vinegre (Note: Douce MS. vernage) or mighty wyne, wete the saucer or ladell fore cleving, and loke (Note: Added from Douce MS) that hit haue sugur right ynogh, And serve hit forth.
Other versions of this recipe:
For to make momene (Liber cure cocorum [Sloane MS 1986])
For to make mawmany (Fourme of Curye [Rylands MS 7])
Malmenye Furne3 (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)
Mammony (A Noble Boke off Cookry)
Mawmenee (Forme of Cury)
Mawmene (Fourme of Curye [Rylands MS 7])
Mawmeny (Thomas Awkbarow's Recipes (MS Harley 5401))
Malmoma (Libro di cucina / Libro per cuoco)
Recipes with similar titles:
Mawmene for xl mees (Ancient Cookery [Arundel 334])
Maumenee (MS Royal 12.C.xii)
Mawmene (Recipes from John Crophill's Commonplace Book)
Maumene (Recipes from John Crophill's Commonplace Book)
Maumene (MS Douce 257)