This is an excerpt from Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books
(England, 1430)
The original source can be found at
the University of Michigan's "Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse"
xiij - Vn Vyaunde furnez san3 nom de chare. Take flowre, Almaunde milke, and Safroune, and make ther-of .iiij. tynez, and frye thi tynez in Oyle; nym then Almaundys, and draw ther-of mylke ry3t thikke; nym mace3, Quybibe3, and floure of Rys, Canelle, Galyngale; take thenne haddok, Creue3, Perchys, Tenche3, and sethe; whan they ben sothyn, take thin fyssche from the bonys, and bray it ry3t smal with thin Spicerye to-gederys, and make ther-of thin farsure. Whan it is y-makyd, departe it in .iiij. partyis, that o partye whyte, that other 3elow, the thrydde grene, the ferthe blak coloure with Fygys, Roysonys, an Datys; take the firste cours of the Fyssche, of al the .iiij. cours, and ley on thin cyvey a-bouyn thin Fyssche, in .iiij. quarterys, as a chekyr, as brode as thin cake, and caste a-bouyn Sugre of Alysaundre, and ther-vppe-on thine tyne. Nym an-other cours, and ley on thi .iiij. quarterys as brode as thin tyne, and ther-vppe-on thin Sugre. Nym the thrydde cours of thin Fyssche, and ley on .iiij. quarterys, and caste a-boue Sugre, and a tyne. Nym the .iiij. cours a-cordant to thin other, a-thenched (Note: ?pinched, A. reads, "a-thenched to-gedre aboue a hole, as a rose." ) to-geder, an a-boue a hole as a rose, and cetera.