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This is an excerpt from A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century
(Portugal, 15th c. - Fernanda Gomes, trans.)
The original source can be found at Lochac Cooks' Guild Website

53 - Marmelada de D Joana. Para dois quilos de marmelo, usem 21/2 quilos de açúcar. Cozinhem os marmelos inteiros, só na água, abafando-os bem. A seguir descasquem-nos, cortem-nos em pedaços, passando-os então por uma peneira fina. Pode-se também descascar os marmelos antes de levá-los ao fogo e, nesse caso, serão cozidos com um pouco de açúcar e passados depois pela peneira. Façam uma calda em ponto de espelho, adicionem-lhe um pouco de água-de-flor, deitem dentro os marmelos passados pela peneira e misturem tudo muito bem, fora do fogo. Levem novamente o tacho ao fogo, e mexam a marmelada, até que se desapegue do fundo.

D Joana's marmelade. For two kilograms of quinces, use 2 1/2 kilograms of sugar. Cook the quinces whole, just in the water, covering them well. Next peel them, cut them into pieces, straining them afterwards through a fine sieve. You can also peel the quinces before taking them to the fire and, in that case, they will be cooked with a little sugar and then strained through the sieve. Make a syrup to the mirror stage, add a little flower water, drop in the the quinces strained through the sieve and mix everything very well, off the fire. Take the pot to the fire again, and stir the marmelade, until it releases from the bottom (of the pot).


Other versions of this recipe:

To make Marmelade of Quinces or Damsons (Delights for Ladies)

Marmelada de ximenes (A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century)

Compota de marmelo (A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century)