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This is an excerpt from A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century
(Portugal, 15th c. - Fernanda Gomes, trans.)
The original source can be found at Lochac Cooks' Guild Website

22 - Outra receita de galinha mourisca. Façam em pedaços uma galinha bem gorda, e levem-na ao fogo brando, com duas colheres de sopa de gordura, algumas fatias de toucinho, bastante coentro, um punhadinho de salsa, umas folhinhas de hortelã, sal e uma cebola bem grande. Abafem-na e deixem-na dourar, mexendo-a de vez em quando. Em seguida cubram essa galinha com água, e assim que levante fervura acabem de temperá-la com sal, vinagre, cravo-da-índia, açafrão, pimenta-do-reino e gengibre. Logo que a galinha esteja cozida, derramem dentro 4 gemas batidas. Tomem uma travessa funda, forrada com fatias de pão e derramem por cima a galinha.

Another recipe for moorish chicken. Cut a very fat chicken into pieces, and cook it over low heat, with two soupspoons of fat, a few slices of bacon, lots of cilantro, a bit of parsley, a few mint leaves, salt and a very large onion. Cover it (? abafar means to stiffle, smother, etc) and let it brown, stirring once in a while. Next cover that chicken in water, and as soon as it reaches a boil finish seasoning it with salt, vinegar, cloves, saffron, black pepper and ginger. When the chicken is cooked, add 4 beaten egg yolks. Take a deep serving tray, lined with bread slices and put the chicken over top.


Other versions of this recipe:

Galinha cozida e ensopada (A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century)

Galinha mourisca (A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century)

Galinha albardada (A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century)