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This is an excerpt from The Treasurie of commodious Conceits
(England, 1573 - J. Holloway, transcr.)
The original source can be found at

Another for Gloues. TAke your Gloues & wash them in rosewater once or twice, til all the scurffe be gon fro them and then let them drye, and stretch them well out, fyngers and all: Then playne them, and wash them once or twice, then take two ounces of Storax, and as much Beniamin made in powder: Dresse your Gloues all ouer, on a smooth boord before they be dry, then hang them to drye, and when they be drye, saue the powder that is lefte, then take a pynte of Rosewater, and .ii. ounces of Storax, and two ounces of Cinimon, put all these in fine pouder, and cast them to the Rosewater, and let the seethe in a close Posnet couered. Then take a fine Brush, and brush them ouer.
