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This is an excerpt from The Treasurie of commodious Conceits
(England, 1573 - J. Holloway, transcr.)
The original source can be found at

To make Ipocras. Cap.xl. TAke of chosen Cinimon, two ounces, of fyne Gynger one ounce, of Graynes half an ounce, bruse them all, & steepe them in .iii. or .iii. pyntes of good odiferous wine, with a pound of Sugre by the space of .xxiiii. howres, then put them into an Ipocras Bag of Wollen, and so receaue the liquor. The rediest and best waye is to put the Spices with the halfe powned of sugre, and the Wine into a stone bottle, or a stone pot stopped close, and after .xxiiii. howres it wyll bee rady, then cast a thin linnen cloth, or a peece of a boulter cloth on the mouth, & let so much run thorow: as ye wyll occupy at once, and kepe the vessell close, for it will so well keep both the sprite, odour, and vertue of the Wine, and also Spices.


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