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This is an excerpt from The Prince of Transylvania's Court Cookbook
(Hungary, 16th c.)
The original source can be found at

Pike in sweet milk or with sour cream, cod style. You'll need an old pike. Take out the intestines like they do, and slice it, boil it in salted water; but don't let it cook, pass through a strainer the water, pour cold water onto it, peel off the scales, take out the fish bones, pass through a strainer clean, boiled milk onto it, or really good sour cream, slice some onions and fry them, take it out of the fire, let the butter cool, then put it onto the pike, for if you put it there when hot, it will shrink the milk. Then add some saffron, black pepper and ginger, cook it with the spices and when it's time, serve it.
