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This is an excerpt from The Second part of the good Hus-wiues Iewell
(England, 1597)
The original source can be found at the University of Michigan's "Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse"

To seeth a carpe.. FIrst take a Carpe and boile it in water and salt, then take of the broth and put in a litle pot, then put therto as much Wine as there is broth, with Rosemary, Parselie, Time, and margerum bounde together, and put them into the pot, & put thereto a good manie of sliced Onyons, small raisons, whole maces, a dish of butter, and a little suger, so that it be not too sharp nor two swéet, and let all these seeth together: if the wine be not sharpe enough then put there to a little Vineger, and so serue it vpon soppes with broth.
