This is an excerpt from A Noble Boke off Cookry
(England, 1468)
The original source can be found at
Pik and eles in ballok brothe
that muste our dame haue, or
els she will be wrothe.
To mak eles and pikes in ballok brothe tak and splat a pik and splat hym and skale hym and culpon eles smale and put them in a pot do ther to grene onyons and quybibes and mynce them and sesson them up with a liore of bred and put it to clowes maces pouder of canelle and saffron and put ther to a quantite of stok fische lik unto the eles and let the pik boile esely and serue the hole pik for a lord and quarto of a pik for comons and culpans and let them be sessoned and put the brothe with the sauce upon the pyk and serve it.
Other versions of this recipe:
BALLOC BROTH (Forme of Cury)
Balloc broth (Fourme of Curye [Rylands MS 7])
Ballok broth (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)
Balloke Brothe (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)
For To Make A Balourgly Broth (Forme of Cury)
To make a Balowbroth (Thomas Awkbarow's Recipes (MS Harley 5401))