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This is an excerpt from A NEVV BOOKE of Cookerie
(England, 1615)
The original source can be found at Thomas Gloning's website

To boyle Chickins in a soope. BOyle them vntill they be enough, boyle Hartichockes very well, and blanch them. Then put your Chickins into a Pipkin with strong broth. Cut your Hartichockes, and put them into a Pipkin with a few sliced Dates: wash a few Razins of the Sunne, and a few Currins cleane, put them into a Pipkin: then take Cola Flora, and wash it cleane, and parboyle it very well. When you take them from the fire, and blaunch them very cleane, and put them into a Pipkin: then take some of your Hartichockes left, and a little white Bread, laid in steepe with a little [<liitle] broth and Uergis, halfe a dozen yolkes of hard Egges, and a little strong broth and Uergis, a quarter of a pound of Sugar, put it into the Pipkin, and stirre all together, with a good quantity of Butter: then mince the flowers of Marigolds, and boyle them with the rest. Scumme the broth cleane, and then it will looke very cleere: with this boyling you may boyle Capon, Pigeon, Rabbet, Larke, etc.


Other versions of this recipe:

CAPON SOUP (Le Menagier de Paris)