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This is an excerpt from A NEVV BOOKE of Cookerie
(England, 1615)
The original source can be found at Thomas Gloning's website

To garnish your Dishes. GArnish your Dishes round about with fine Sugar: take Orengado dipt among Biskets and Carrawaies. Take a Pomegranate, and garnish the side of your Dish with it, take Currins, and Prunes, and wrap them in fine Sugar, hauing beene first boyled tender in faire water. Take a Lemmon and slice it, and put it on your Dish, and large Mace steeped or boyled, or preserued Barberryes. Any of these are fit to garnish your Dish: take your Capon out of the broth, and put it into a Dish with sippets, and any of these garnishes round about it.
