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This is an excerpt from A NEVV BOOKE of Cookerie
(England, 1615)
The original source can be found at Thomas Gloning's website

Another way. BLaunch them as before, put them in a Dish with fayre water and Butter, chop Lettice, and Spinnage, with the backe of your Knife: and put them in a Dish: let them boyle with large Mace, sliced Lemmon, a few Grapes, or a stewed Cucumber sliced. Let all boyle well together with Pepper: straine into a Dish the yolkes of Egges, Uergis, and Sugar: straine them together when they goe to the Table. This boyling will serue for Neates feet, Sheepes Trotters, or Hogges feet: serue them hot at Supper.


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ANOTHER WAY (Le Menagier de Paris)

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