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This is an excerpt from The Neapolitan recipe collection
(Italy, 15th c - T. Scully, trans.)
The original source can be found at University of Michigan Digital General Collection

A Sienese-Style Tartara. Get twenty almonds, blanch them and grind them up as well as you can; get half a pound of sugar, twelve eggs, a fogletta of milk, two quatrini of cinnamon, sufficient salt, an eighth of a fresh buffalo cheese ground up so much that it does not need any more grinding; then grease an earthenware dish with butter and flour it and put the mixture into it; set the baking dish or pan away from the fire and covered with a moderate heat. Note that into that mixture you can put a ladleful of lasagne cooked in good broth. When the mixture is done, put sugar and rosewater on top.
