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This is an excerpt from Libro di cucina / Libro per cuoco
(Italy, 14th/15th c. - Louise Smithson, trans.)
The original source can be found at Louise Smithson's website

LVII - Hen stuffed and good. If you want to make stuffed hens for 12 persons take the hens and thread on a skewer and then the skin well peeled, and then pull forth from within (debone, leave the skin intact, thread on a skewer ? ); then take a pound of almonds well peeled and crushed and strained; take in total 8 cheeses strained well sweet and take 12 eggs; take parsley and mint and other good herbs and wash well and paste well with the cheese, and take three ounces of spices without saffron, and take the herbs and cheese and eggs together and make a paste and temper with the almond milk and make that it is a paste in the mode of that of a fritter, and then take the chicken well washed and peeled and stuff in between the skin and the meat and within, and then close well so the filling does not come out and it will be good.


Other versions of this recipe:

A Stuffed Dish of Chicken (Cooked) in the Oven (An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook)

Chekyns Farsed (Gentyll manly Cokere (MS Pepys 1047))

Chik farsed (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)

Hennys enforced (A Noble Boke off Cookry)


Stuffed capon (Wel ende edelike spijse)

Stuffed chicken (Le Viandier de Taillevent)