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This is an excerpt from Due Libri di Cucina - Libro B
(Italy, 15th c. - Rebecca Friedman, trans.)
The original source can be found at David Friedman's website

CI To make a dish of meat jelly. This dish is called dish of gelatina. Take an eel, wash it well with a knife, draw (out) that (which is) inside and make 22 crumbs in a pot, spoons of oil, and put in an onion cut minutely and a decent quantity of salt, and depress it tigete to half, and then put 50 almonds with the skins inside and a quarter center of bread toasted in the fire, infused in vinegar, and one center of eel. Grind together in a pot and temper with that quart of vinegar and of water, that are the two parts vinegar and the third water, and let it cook, and when the dish is cooked, put a half ounce of spices and draw it directly itself (on) to the table, and put in a half ounce of sugar, and when you cook it, put some spices on the dish.


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