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This is an excerpt from Due Libri di Cucina - Libro B
(Italy, 15th c. - Rebecca Friedman, trans.)
The original source can be found at David Friedman's website

XXXVI To make a Lamprey. If you want to make a lamprey in a good manner, if one wants to draw (out) that which was the head, and then if one wants to cook a fish boiled so that it is good, and stone parsley and a bit of marjoram, and crush these things in a mortar and put in many fine spices, the best that you can have, and put in some chopped herbs in the mouth to the lamprey and thrust with a fork (fusticello) so that one fills all the belly of the lamprey, and put the outside (or crust) and the head whence was raised the string. One dams up the neck with dough, so that it cannot breath, and other holes are stopped with ginger, and make that sauce that you know well is good and right, and let it be good.


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14 - Lampreia (A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century)