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This is an excerpt from Due Libri di Cucina - Libro B
(Italy, 15th c. - Rebecca Friedman, trans.)
The original source can be found at David Friedman's website

XXIIII To make fine fish broth. If you want to make fish broth, take almonds and grind them in a mortar, and temper them with cold water, so that they become well thick, and take stone parsley and mint and other good herbs that you know that are good, and these herbs grind and temper with verjuice and with vinegar, and make everything boil together and mix good sweet spices and saffron, and when the broth should boil, put in the fish, knowing that the fish should be half cooked in water, and let it boil with that a little while, and then take it out, and it will be good.
