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This is an excerpt from Due Libri di Cucina - Libro B
(Italy, 15th c. - Rebecca Friedman, trans.)
The original source can be found at David Friedman's website

XXI To make fine cameline broth. If you want to make cameline broth, take the almonds and don't shell them, and wash them well with cold water, and grind it with water wherein are cooked these chickens, and if there was a great quantity of broth, one takes two pounds of sumac and makes them sit a little in hot water, and then grind them in a mortar a little and temper them with a little water and strain them with a colander, and when it is strained, you strain the almond milk in the colander, and put in the water of these chickens, so that you can strain, and put it to boil, and put in the strainings of this sumac and put in some warm fatty broth, that in which the chickens were cooked, and if it doesn't seem to you to be enough, put in some of that pork, that is the tallow given a saffron color or one puts some batter, a little verjuice with two cups of white wine, and let it be of the refined sort, and these things one puts in so that the broth does not taste too much of almonds, and put in refined cinnamon and a little nutmeg and a little ginger. When you put them there, let the ginger be whole, to that which is boiled. Boil all these things together with capons, and it will be good.
