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This is an excerpt from Libre del Coch
(Spain, 1520 - Robin Carroll-Mann, trans.)
The original source can be found at Mark S. Harris' Florilegium

26. Pottage Called Gratonada. Take chickens that have been half-roasted on a spit, and then cut them at their joints as if to serve them on plates, and then gently fry them with good fatty bacon. And then take well-toasted almonds, and grind them with the chicken livers that have been roasted on the coals; and when they are well-ground, blend it with good hen's broth which is well-salted, and cast in a pair of eggs for each dish. And strain it through a woolen cloth; and when it has been strained, cast it in the pot, and cook with the chickens, and cast in all fine spices. And sample the taste for sourness so that it is a little sour. And then cast these herbs in the pot: mint and parsley and sweet marjoram, which is a Moorish basil with broad leaves. And then cast in sugar. And this sauce is good for kid or for breasts of mutton.


Other versions of this recipe:

A Gratuné of Spain (Du fait de cuisine)

A Gratunée (Du fait de cuisine)