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This is an excerpt from Libre del Coch
(Spain, 1520 - Robin Carroll-Mann, trans.)
The original source can be found at Mark S. Harris' Florilegium

195. Boiled Dentex. Take a dentex, clean and washed, make pieces of it; and take the head, and cook it with water, and salt, and good herbs; and then take the dentex and let it go to cook; and you will take chestnuts, and apples, and almonds, and a good piece of its own flesh and a crustless piece of bread, and all this is well-ground and blended with its own broth and strained through a woolen cloth; but when you strain the almonds and all these things, also put bread soaked in orange juice or in vinegar. Then you will take all spices, but not saffron and cinnamon; and then cook this sauce; and you will cast it in that broth that was with the fish that was boiled; and when the sauce boils, put it into the pot; and when you want to eat, prepare the plate with the food, and cast on top of it all herbs, finely cut; and if you do not wish to make this sauce, take vinegar and all spices, and the cut herbs, and all this should be mixed when the fish is boiled, only in water and salt; and prepare the plate and cast that light sauce on top.

And know one thing, that every time you cook a fatty boiled fish, you should cast in a glass of vinegar to cook because it will make it firm, and protect it from becoming stained.
