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This is an excerpt from Libre del Coch
(Spain, 1520 - Robin Carroll-Mann, trans.)
The original source can be found at Mark S. Harris' Florilegium

118. Oatmeal Gruel and Barley Gruel. Take peeled almonds and grind them in a mortar; then blend them with good broth if you will have it so; if not, [blend them] with salt and water and oil; then strain it through a woolen cloth so that it will be thin; then take the oats and make flour from it, then set it to cook by itself; and when it is more than half cooked, strain it through a woolen cloth that is thick; and let the oats be somewhat thin that they may be better strained; and when you have strained them, mix it with the almond milk, and set it to cook on the fire with a piece of sugar in it, which is white, in the pot; and cook it a good hour and a half until it is quite thick, and taste it for salt; and prepare dishes, and cast sugar upon them; and in this same manner barley is made.


Other versions of this recipe:

BARLEY GRUEL (Le Menagier de Paris)

Hulled barley gruel (Le Viandier de Taillevent)