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This is an excerpt from Liber cure cocorum [Sloane MS 1986]
(England, 1430)
The original source can be found at Thomas Gloning's website

For to make potage of oysturs. Perboyle þyn oysturs and take hom oute. Kepe welle þy bre with outen doute, And hakke hom on a borde full smalle, And bray in a morter þou schalle. Do hom in hor owne brothe for goode, Do mylke of almondes þer to by þe rode, And lye hit up with amydone, And frye smalle mynsud onyone In oyle, or sethe hom in mylke þou schalle. Do powdur þerto of spyces withalle, And coloure hit þenne with safron gode. Hit is holden restoratyf fode.


Other versions of this recipe:

Potage of oystirs (A Noble Boke off Cookry)

To make Potage of Ostyrs (Thomas Awkbarow's Recipes (MS Harley 5401))