This is an excerpt from Liber cure cocorum [Sloane MS 1986]
(England, 1430)
The original source can be found at
Thomas Gloning's website
Charlet. Take swettest mylke, þat þou may have, Colour hit with safron, so God þe save. Take fresshe porke and sethe hit wele, And hew hit smalle every dele. Swyng eyryn, and do þer to. Set hit over þe fyre, þenne Boyle hit and sture lest hit brenne. Whenne hit welles up, þou schalt hit kele With a litel ale, so have þou cele. When hit is ino3e, þou sett hit doune, And kepe hit lest hit be to broune.
Other versions of this recipe:
Charlet (Thomas Awkbarow's Recipes (MS Harley 5401))
Charlet (Forme of Cury)
Charlet (Fourme of Curye [Rylands MS 7])
Charlet (A Noble Boke off Cookry)
Charlet (A Noble Boke off Cookry)
Charlete (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)
Charlette (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)
Recipes with similar titles:
Charlet (Ancient Cookery [Arundel 334])
Charlet (Recipes from the Wagstaff Miscellany)
Charlet (Recipes from John Crophill's Commonplace Book)
Charlet (MS Douce 257)