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This is an excerpt from Das Kochbuch des Meisters Eberhard
(Germany, 15th century - V. Bach, trans.)
The original source can be found at Mark S. Harris' Florilegium

Almonds which are sweet are gently hot and gently drive out the moisture from the body. Averroes says that they cause the brain to grow and people to sleep sweetly. Therefore they are of use to people who study hard or are awake often and have become too thin. They should be shelled and eaten with white bread by people who do not want to eat anything else. If you eat sugar with them that is even better, because they make much blood, which is good. Rhazes says that the salve the throat and make it smooth and are good for people who suffer pains when passing water because of a hot disposition [?]. They make people piss well, and almond milk causes the same, but they are hardly digested. Averroes says that almonds clean and purify the paths and members through which water passes from the body and are useful to thin people. And the oil that comes from them is good against cramps. And those who anoint their backbone with it it will protect in time from becoming bent in old age.

Mandel kernn, die do süeß sein, die sein bescheydenlich hiczig vnd bringenn bescheydenlich feuchtigkeit von dem menschenn. Vnd spricht Auerrois, das sie machen wachßenn das hirnn vnd sußlich schlaffenn. Do von sein sie nüecz den menschen, die do serr studirnn oder wachenn vnd durr sein wordenn zu sere. Man soll sie schelen vnd mit weißemm prot essenn, so man sust nit mer essenn wil. Vnd wer zucker dar zu isset an brot, das ist noch pesserr, wan so machenn sie vil plutes, das gut ist. Rasis spricht, das sie salbenn die kelenn vnd machenn sie glat vnd sein gut den lewtenn, die schneydet das wasserr von hicz. Sie machenn den menschen wol prunczen, vnd das selb thut auch mandelmilch, doch werdenn sie kawm verdewet. Auerrois spricht, das mandel garr rein vnd sauber macht die weg vnd die gelider, do das wasserr auß von dem menschenn get, vnd sein gar nüecz magernn lewtenn. Vnd das öl, das do von kumbt, ist gut furr den krampff. Vnd der den ruckgrat do mit salbet, den behüt es vnder weilen, das er an im in seinem alter nit krump wirt.
