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This is an excerpt from Das Kochbuch des Meisters Eberhard
(Germany, 15th century - V. Bach, trans.)
The original source can be found at Mark S. Harris' Florilegium

This sauce made with garlic aids the appetite for food. Take up to thirty grains of pepper and crush it, and leave it with jeiunus (juniper?) for three days. Also take three leaves of sage and a moderate measure of salt, add garlic and pimpernel and make juice (of it).

Item ad appetitum comedendi valet illa salsa facta cum aleo. Et appone piper ad triginta grana et hoc simul tunde, et jeiunus per duos dies comede. Etiam appone de saluia tria folia cum sale modicto. Vel accipe aleum cum bibenella et fac succum.
