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This is an excerpt from The Good Housewife's Jewell
(England, 1596)
The original source can be found at

To preserue peare plummes. First take two pounde and a halfe of fine Suger, and beate it small, and put it into a pretie brasse potte with xx. spoonefulles of rosewater, and when it boyleth skimme it cleane, then take it of the fire, and let it stand while it be almost cold then take two pound of peare plummes, and wipe them vppon a faire cloth, and put them into your sirruppe when it is almost colde, and so sette them vppon the fire againe, and let them boyle as softlye as you can when they are boyled enough the kernelles wil be yellow, then take them vp, but let your sirrup boile till it be thicke, then put your plummes vppon the fire againe, and let them boyle a walme or two, so take them from the fire, and let them stande in the vessell all night, and in the morning put them into your pot or glasse and couer them close.
