This is an excerpt from Fourme of Curye [Rylands MS 7]
(England, 1390)
The original source can be found at
.Cxlij. Sauce camelyne. Take raysouns of corauns & kyrnels of notys & crustes of brede & poudour of ginger. clowes. flour of canel. bray it wel to gyder & do hit therto salr temper hit up with vyneger & messe forth.
Original manuscript image: f68v / f69r
Other versions of this recipe:
cameline sauce (Libre del Coch)
CAMELINE (Le Menagier de Paris)
Cameline Sauce (Du fait de cuisine)
Sauce camelyne (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)
Sauce gamelyne (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)
Sawce camelyne (Liber cure cocorum [Sloane MS 1986])
SAWSE CAMELYNE (Forme of Cury)
To mak sauce camelyn for quaylle (A Noble Boke off Cookry)
To make Cameline [Sauce] (Le Viandier de Taillevent)
Carmeline sauce optimal (Libro di cucina / Libro per cuoco)