This is an excerpt from Forme of Cury
(England, 1390)
The original source can be found at
the Project Gutenberg website
PUR FAIT YPOCRAS. XX.IX. XI. Treys Unces de canett. & iii unces de gyngeuer. spykenard de Spayn le pays dun denerer, garyngale. clowes, gylofre. poeurer long, noiez mugadez. maziozame cardemonij de chescun i. quart' douce grayne & de paradys stour de queynel de chescun dim unce de toutes, soit fait powdour &c.
Other versions of this recipe:
DUKE'S POWDER (Libre del Coch)
HIPPOCRAS (Le Menagier de Paris)
Hippocras (Le Viandier de Taillevent)
Hippocras and the wafer dish to finish (Le Menagier de Paris)
Pur fayre ypocras (Fourme of Curye [Rylands MS 7])
Recipes with similar titles:
To make Hypocrase (The Good Housewife's Jewell)