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This is an excerpt from Een notabel boecxken van cokeryen
(Netherlands, ca. 1510 - C. van Tets, trans.)
The original source can be found at Willy Van Cammeren's website

To make a prosint* of almonds and this for four dishes. Take almonds and grind them in a mortar, about four pounds. When they are ground pass them through a sieve with some warm water, but see that the almonds remain thick enough. Add to these almonds a fourth part [i.e. one pound] of sugar. Then boil the sieved almonds with the sugar all together in a pan. When it is boiled so take it out and lay it on a sieve or on new linen cloth. Let it cool there thus. Then lay it in the dishes in the manner of butter, just as one beats butter**; after this take the very nicest almonds which it is possible to get: these you shall cut in two pieces, exactly in half. Then cut that half further into three pieces lengthwise and you shall colour the one half yellow with saffron. Then place them artistically in standing rows on the pieces of almond butter. And when you wish to serve it so pour milk in the dish, but watch well that [the milk] does not reach the pieces of almond. [* this may mean a subtlety]
