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This is an excerpt from Een notabel boecxken van cokeryen
(Netherlands, ca. 1510 - C. van Tets, trans.)
The original source can be found at Willy Van Cammeren's website

A sauce for veal and for young chickens. Take veal and chickens, which you cut in pieces. Then stove/stew them in a pot with pork fat and with meat broth. Then you shall take bread that has softened in meat broth. Take also with this the chickens' livers. Put this [mixture] to boil in a special pot. Add to this parsley, marjoram and other good spices/herbs, and yolks of eggs which have been hard-boiled. Then put this all together through a strainer. Then take a good amount of parsley all raw; grind this and pass it through [the strainer] with the broth. These are the spices which belong in this, to wit: cinnamon ginger, grains of paradise, nutmegs, cloves. Mix all this together with verjuice. Then set it to boil it all together.
