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This is an excerpt from Een notabel boecxken van cokeryen
(Netherlands, ca. 1510 - C. van Tets, trans.)
The original source can be found at Willy Van Cammeren's website

Struyven out of Lententide. One shall take yolks of raw eggs beaten up with flour. Then for this you shall take rape oil in a pan or kettle and make it boiling hot. Then one shall take the beaten yolks which are mixed and one shall make them run through a funnel over the oil. And that person may not hold the funnel still, but one must make circles according to how large one wants them and [how] wide and thick. One shall let them fry well. And when they are well fried so one shall take them out and strew them with loaf sugar. This aforesaid struyven is customarily fried for women who lie in childbed.
