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This is an excerpt from Du fait de cuisine
(France, 1420 - Elizabeth Cook, trans.)
The original source can be found at David Friedman's website

1. And for this, to give you to understand the potage called white bruet as it ought to be made, one should take one's fair capons, and clean well the meat which one should put in the dish - whether it be pork, kid or veal, or whatever meat is appropriate to it - and set it to cook well and cleanly in large cauldrons according to what one wants to make; and parboil a little lean pork in it which was first well washed and cleaned; and according to the quantity of the said potage which you would like to make, take a great quantity of almonds, and let them be blanched, washed, and well brayed, and in braying take some of the broth of the said capon to moisten them, and, when your capons are cooked and the meat that is with them, put the capons in one place and the meat in another and, according to the quantity of the said meat, take your broth and strain it into a fair and clean small cask or cornue in which it can fit; and then take good white wine and verjuice and put it in according to the quantity of broth which you have, and take white ginger and grains of paradise according to the quantity of broth, and let your almonds be strained through the strainer; and according to the quantity of the said broth, take the container - that is, fair and clean cauldron or pot - for boiling it, and, according to the quantity of the broth, put sugar to boil in it; and take heed that it is not too much or too little salted; and then afterward take your meat and arrange it in your serving dishes, and your broth on top.


Other versions of this recipe:

Blanche Bruet (A Noble Boke off Cookry)

White Bruet (Du fait de cuisine)