This is an excerpt from Du fait de cuisine
(France, 1420 - Elizabeth Cook, trans.)
The original source can be found at
David Friedman's website
14. To make sauce piquant to put on conies, according to the quantity of it which one is making take onions and chop them fine, and take fair pork lard and melt it and sauté your onions, and so that they do not burn in sautéing put a little broth in; and then put in a great deal of white wine according to the quantity of sauce piquant which you want to make for the said conies; and take your spices, good ginger, grains of paradise, a little pepper which is not at all too much, and saffron to give it color; and season it with vinegar in such proportion that it is neither too much poignant nor too little; with salt also.
For the next day, the dinner: the great meats and the salt meat, in another dish a tyolli bruet, white leeks over marmots and salted geese, sops of hares therewith, jacobin sops of capons, a gravy of small birds and poultry; and for the major potage, turnips.