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This is an excerpt from MS Douce 257
(England, 1381)
The original source can be found at

Gely. Tak hoggys fet oþer pyggys, oþer erys, oþer pertrichys oþere chiconys, & do hem togedere & seþ hem in a pot; & do in hem flowre of canel and clowys hole or grounde. Do þereto vineger, & tak & do þe broþ in a clene vessel of al þys, & tak þe flesch and kerf yt in smale morselys & do yt þerein. Tak powder of galyngale & cast aboue & lat yt kele. Tak bronchys of þe lorere tre & styk ouer it, & kep yt al so longe as þou wilt & serue yt forþ.


Recipes with similar titles:

gely (Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books)

LV - FOR TO MAKE A GELY (Forme of Cury)

To make jelly (Ouverture de Cuisine)

In July (Le Menagier de Paris)

Gelee (MS Royal 12.C.xii)

A Gelle (Recipes from John Crophill's Commonplace Book)