This is an excerpt from Delights for Ladies
(England, 1609)
The original source can be found at
Kirrily Robert's website
31 - To make Marmelade of Quinces or Damsons. When you have boyled your Quinces or Damsons sufficiently, straine them; then dry the pulp in a pan on the fire; and when you see there is no water in it, but that it beginneth to be stiffe, then mix two pound of sugar with three pound of pulp: this marmelade will bee white marmelade: and if you desire to have it looke with an high colour: put your sugar and your pulp together so soone as your pulp is drawne, and let them both boile together, and so it will look of the colour of ordinary marmelade, like unto a stewed warden; but if you dry your pulp first, it will look white, and take lesse sugar: you shall know when it is thick enough, by putting a little into a sawcer, letting it coole before you box it.
Other versions of this recipe:
Marmelada de ximenes (A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century)
Compota de marmelo (A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century)
Marmelada de D Joana (A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century)