This is an excerpt from Recipes from John Crophill's Commonplace Book
(England, 1485)
The original source can be found at
A Tarte of Fysche. Tak figgs & waysch hem & grynd hem smal tempre hem with vinegre tak freysch samoun haddokes perches & pykes tak out the bonys bray hem to gidre in a morter tak poudre of ginger & galingale & meng with al tak maces & qwybibes & clowes & do ther to al hole & sugre gret plente tak ther of & do in thi cofyn a smal couche tak elys & lamprouns and frye hem to gidre in oyle de oyle & lay ther in a couche of the brayed mete & do ther to botre of almaunde melk covere it with past colour it with inne & with outen.
Recipes with similar titles:
A Tarte of Fysch (Recipes from John Crophill's Commonplace Book)