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This is an excerpt from Recipes from John Crophill's Commonplace Book
(England, 1485)
The original source can be found at

(untitled). Tak freysch pork hew it & grynd it smal tak yelkys of eyren grind hem & do ther to good ginger galingale do ther to tak maces & qwybibes & clowes do ther to al hole & sugre & poudre gret plente than ley in the cofyn a smal couche of farsure tak perterkes & chikenys & hew hem on qwarter & frye hem & smale bryddys al hole fryed and conyes & do ther to a good bundel of fleysch than ley on farsure a nother good couche & do therin & do ther in greyn de parys & qwybibes & clowes & est ley a nother couche of farsure cvre it with past colour it wyt yelkys of eyren.


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