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This is an excerpt from An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook
(Andalusia, 13th c. - Charles Perry, trans.)
The original source can be found at David Friedman's website

Recipe for Roasting Other Dishes of the Same (Another from Abu Salih al-Rahbani in His Kitchen). Extract juice of pressed onions and juice of tender garlic and cilantro juice and murri naqî', one ûqiya of each; half a ratl of strong vinegar and sufficient oil; coriander, Chinese cinnamon, ginger, thyme and cumin, three dirhams of each. Grind all this and dissolve it in those waters with vinegar. Then get the aforementioned bird, called the qutr-goose, which is the duck. Scald this fowl and take out what entrails there are and hang them up; then perforate its body with the point of a knife and place in each hole peeled garlic and a bit of almond paste, and in some holes a piece of peeled walnut meat, and in other holes a piece of ginger; then leave it overnight in the aforementioned liquids with vinegar and on the following morning take it out and roast it in the tannur; when it is ready, take it out, cut it up, and present it in its sauce.
Know that every roast is slow to digest, but it is very nutritious, restores the strength, is not chilling to the chyme, if well-digested; it is one of the simples, because in it are
