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This is an excerpt from An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook
(Andalusia, 13th c. - Charles Perry, trans.)
The original source can be found at David Friedman's website

Dish of Eggplant. Cut up mutton and put in the pot with salt, pepper, coriander, cumin, thyme, two spoons of murri naqî' and three of oil; take to the fire and cook and when the meat is done, add eggplants cut in quarters and boiled separately. When it has boiled, grind up white bread crumbs beaten with the right quantity of eggs in coriander juice; cover the pot with this and then take it to the hearthstone.


Other versions of this recipe:

Thick eggplant (Libre del Coch)

A Dish of Eggplants (An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook)

A Dish of Eggplants Without Vinegar (An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook)

A Dish With Eggplants (An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook)