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This is an excerpt from An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook
(Andalusia, 13th c. - Charles Perry, trans.)
The original source can be found at David Friedman's website

A Dish of Eggplants Without Vinegar. Take fat young flesh of sheep, cut up and put in the pot with salt, a little onion, pepper, coriander seed and a lot of oil; put on a moderate coal fire and when the meat is done, put in it some eggplants cut in halves or quarters, after boiling and pouring off the water; then throw in with the meat and squeeze over it the juice of tender coriander in great quantity and less than this of ground squeezed mint; finish cooking and then take it to the hearthstone for a while and use.


Other versions of this recipe:

Thick eggplant (Libre del Coch)

A Dish of Eggplants (An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook)

A Dish With Eggplants (An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook)

Dish of Eggplant (An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook)