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This is an excerpt from An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook
(Andalusia, 13th c. - Charles Perry, trans.)
The original source can be found at David Friedman's website

Preparation known as Hashîshiyya, a Grassy Dish. Take fat meat [from] the neck, breast, short (?) or shoulder, and cut small and fine. Take the coarse paunch, large intestine and bowels and cut small, and put in a pot with onion water, and turn it around in it so that it absorbs it.
[Probable break; following looks like a continuation of the "Stuffed Monkey's Head" above.]
Take some dough and put it in the lowest part of the pot, and put a small bird in it and put the rest of the dough on it, and let it rise a while, and send it to the oven. And when it is cooked, break the pot, after shaking it several times so that the dough is freed from the pot, and put it in a plate, whole, as it is. And boil clarified butter and honey and pour it on it, and decorate with toasted pine nuts and sprinkle with sugar and present, God willing.

And It Might Be Made Another Way Which is that the small bird is disjointed and put in a pot with salt and grated onion and oil, and cooked until done. Then take it out and put it in a frying pan with juice of cilantro pounded with a piece of onion and spices and pepper, cinnamon, lavender, Chinese cinnamon, cloves and galingale [literally, "wood"] and a little musk and rosewater. Pound with eight eggs and boil until thickened and browned. Put in best murri, then take from the fire. Take peeled almonds, pistachios and sugar and pound, and spice it, and knead with rosewater and musk, and knead the dough as mentioned before. Put some of it [the dough] in the bottom of the pot and put in it half the first stuffing, then put on it a little dough, then put the sugar and almond stuffing, and put a little of the dough on it too. Put on it the rest of the first stuffing and fill the pot with the rest of the dough.
