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This is an excerpt from Ancient Cookery [Arundel 334]
(England, 1425)
The original source can be found at R. Warner's "Antiquitates culinariae" (1791)

Leche lardys. Take gode cowe mylke, and parscl, and grinde hit, and tempur hit up withe the mylke, and do hit in a pot, and take egges and fethe pork, wel enterlarded, and hewe hit final, and medel hit together, and let hit fethe; and after thow hafe so done, take divers pottes, and do in hom mylke, and egges, and porke, thus medelet as tofore; and make hom of dyvers colours, some with saffron, and make hom zelowe, and another with saunders and saffron, and another with amydoun, and another with turnesole, and another with alkenet, and another with ynde (indigo), and another blacke, with sothen blode and crustes of bred fried, drawen thurgh a streynour; then take al thi veffelles, and fethe hom, and lay hom on a faire clothe, one upon another, and preffe hom wel, tyl al the fewe be oute clene, and when thai byn clene, leche hom thyn (cut them in thinstices), and frie hom a lytel in faire grefe, and serve hom forthe.
