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This is an excerpt from Ancient Cookery [Arundel 334]
(England, 1425)
The original source can be found at R. Warner's "Antiquitates culinariae" (1791)

Medicina OPTIMA ET EXPERTA PRO Stomacho ET PRO CAPITE IN ANTIQOO HOMINBMf. Take ginger, canel, long pepur, rosemarine, graynes, of ichone a quartrone; -then take clowes, maces, spikenarde, nutmukes, gardamour, galihgal, of ichone one unce; liqui aloes, calamy, aromatici, croci, rubarbi, reupontici of ichone nine penny* weight; make of al this a gros ponder; then take a galone of fwete wyne, oseye, or bastard, and cast therto, and do hit in a dene pot of urthe, and let hit stonde al a nyght togeder, and stir hit oft, and melle hit wel, and let hit stonde tyl on the morwen, tyl hit be clere ; then take out the clere from the pouder, and put hit into a glasse; then have a bagge redy of faire lynnyn clothe, that hit be made brode above, and scharpe benethe. And therin put the pouder, and honge the bagge bytwene two trends, and let hit renne oute qwat hit wil; and then take alle that rennes oute from the pouder, and that clere that thow hadst byfore of the wyne, and medd therwith two pounde of lose sugre or more, tyl hit be right fwete ; and therof cast aboven the bagge, and let hit renne thorugh esiliche tyl that hit be ronnen al thorugh; and that is elepet clarry. And therof take yche day, fyve fpoonsull in the morwen, with three foppes of bred wd foked therin, and forbere hedes of fysstie and of flcsshe; and also forbere goutous metes, and unholsome.
