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This is an excerpt from Ancient Cookery [Arundel 334]
(England, 1425)
The original source can be found at R. Warner's "Antiquitates culinariae" (1791)

Pike or tenche in Brasyle. Take a pike or a tenche, and flitte hom bi the chine (cut them from the gills), and wassh hom, and cut hom on peces that thai hange togeder, and strawe on hom a lytel salte, and roste hom on a gredhirne, and make a syrup thereon; take a quart of vernage, and the gravey of the pike put with the brothe, and boy le hit ensemble (alltogether); and cast therto sugre, clowes, maces, pynes; and take faire chippes of bred drawen up with wyne, and alyed up rennynge (mixed up thin) ; and in the settynge doune of the pot, put therto pouder of ginger, pouder of canel, saffron, and vynegur; and dresse the fish in disshes, and do the syrip above; and serve hit forth.
